Showing off the guns again, waiting for the Dr.
Jack had his four-month checkup this week. He got a gold star for his eating and sleeping skills.
For those of you keeping track of the stats, Jack now weighs 16 lbs., 11 oz., which is a little over three pounds more than at his last checkup. He now measures about 26.5", which is about 3.5" longer than last time. So, he is growing like a weed. The Dr. said he is big for his age, but well proportioned at around the 50th percentile for length/weight. Whatever that means.
Jack also got another round of shots which was a bit rougher this time, but after coming home, having some lunch and a good, long nap, he was back to his normal self.
"I slept for 90 minutes, now I feel great!"
- S.
P.S. - Jack is in the 95th percentile for head circumference! Brains!