Thursday, October 23, 2014

Topsfield Fair

Watching the parade in front of Great-Nana's house.

Gentle pats for the cow.

Jack in the vegetable barn being very excited about pumpkins.

However, he wasn't very excited about the giant pumpkin…

As happens most years, the weather was rainy on the days we could go to the fair.  But we managed to squeeze in some decent visits.  This year they had a Touch-A-Truck event in the arena, thankfully, because of course it was a rainy morning.  Photos from that day will follow in a separate post. 

- S.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Gotta do something with those empty diaper boxes…

- S.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Peek A Boo

Playing peek a boo under the kitchen table, while holding a ricer.

- S.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Swim Time

We signed up for a family membership at the Y at the end of the summer, and a few weeks ago Jack started "swim lessons."  At this age that means he gets in the pool with Derrick and they play and sing songs while trying to incorporate some basic swim technique, I guess.  Above you can see Jack's fine form in trying to "swim" to the plastic duck.
So far, Jack seems to really enjoy his time with Dad in the pool!

- S.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Apple Dapples

Official lookout and bag holder while dad tries to find some apples.

Picking apples...

…with a little help from dad.

Snack time after all that hard work.

A boy and his pumpkin (and a piece of cider donut).

- S.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I recently experienced my first of probably 5,489 more requests to, "Watch this, Mama!" while Jack showed me his skillful use of the measuring tape (which he wasn't supposed to be playing with).

- S.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Jack had his two year checkup a few weeks ago.  He was all caught up on shots, so didn't have to get any this time, which was nice.  And now he won't be due for another checkup until he's three.
Hopefully we can stay out of the doctor's office this winter, or at least visit a bit less than we did last winter.

I'll share the latest stats for reference, but these are definitely not exact as Jack had a meltdown when the nurse was trying to get him to step on the scale and it took me plus two nurses to get him to stand to get his height measured…
Height: 37", Weight: 34lbs
Still holding strong above 95th percentile in height and weight (and head circumference).
Jack also recently jumped from a size 7.5 shoe up to a 9!

- S.