Saturday, August 24, 2013

More Standing

No attempts at walking yet, but Jack is getting pretty good at standing up.

This is all well and good until you are the one being used as a climbing apparatus, for Jack has no qualms about pinching and pulling himself all the way up your side until he is standing next to you.

Cute, but not very comfortable (and in some cases painful depending on the state of his fingernails).

- S.

Friday, August 23, 2013


We enjoyed a bit of time at our local beach last weekend.

Jack figured out how to use the shovel.

This was a two bath day.

- S.

Friday, August 16, 2013


What the kitchen looks like on any given weeknight.

- S.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Salem Willows

Jack's first trip to Salem Willows on a beautiful Sunday last weekend.
He seemed to enjoy the breeze, the trees and watching the seagulls.
And people watching, of course.

- S.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Elvis Breakfast

Jack's breakfast of peanut butter toast and bananas.

Perhaps not the best choice to serve peanut butter in the morning so far from bath time.

- S.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bath Time

Jack had graduated to little-tub-within-the-big-tub baths some time ago, but developed a fear of the shower head, meaning normal fun bath time turned into a tear fest.  So, it was back down to the kitchen sink for baths, which actually had some advantages like using less water and not having to kneel on the bathroom floor and bend over the tub.

But after two successful baths in the big tub (no little tub within, even) this weekend, it seems we are done with the sink.  Hopefully anyway, because he has become quite adept at splashing with his legs which can make for lots of clean up after a sink bath.

- S.

Friday, August 2, 2013


I picked up a cold somewhere last week which Jack promptly got, but with the added bonus of his first fever.  So I got to crack open that bottle of infant Tylenol that's been sitting in the cabinet for months.  (Frankly, I think it's pretty great that we made it to 11 months before having to use it.)

Since Jack was feeling pretty terrible, we broke all the rules and watched some Bert & Ernie and had a snack on the couch before bed. 

Thankfully, Jack is doing better.  While not 100% back to his old self, he is eating and sleeping much better than he was at the start of the week.

- S.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Maine Redux

Just one more photo from Maine.  
Adam teaching Jack the finer points of armpit farts.  
Just one of the many things cousins are good for.

- S.