Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Also last month, we went to Maine for the annual family gathering.  Jack didn't have a meltdown at the diner this year, but waited to do so until we stopped at the New Balance outlet later.  Jack has really been enjoying s'mores this year (thanks to Trader Joe's delicious vegan marshmallows), and this is the first year he was able to stay up late enough to experience the fire in Maine and make some s'mores there.  

Waiting for pancakes at the diner.

Did a little work on the dirt pile this year, but ultimately found other stuff to play with.

S'mores with dad, round one.

Satisfied with his cooking skills.

On the swing.

Making up games like knock the empty bottles off the stool with the water shooter.

S'mores, round two, with dad and cousin Ben.

 "Look at my marshmallow, Mom!"

- S.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Wee Wanderers

About a month ago, we went up to NH for a weekend with the AMC Wee Wanderers program, which is meant for 3-5 year olds.  We stayed at the Cardigan Lodge and Jack was pretty excited about getting to sleep in a bunk bed.  On the top bunk, of course.  The weekend ended up being pretty rainy, which wasn't ideal, so some of the planned activities didn't happen.  But we did the major activities which included a longer and more intense than anticipated hike (about 5 miles, including a river crossing and steep inclines) on Saturday, and a visit to the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center on Sunday, which was very nice and would be great to revisit when Jack isn't exhausted from a big hike the day before.  Overall it was an interesting experience and Jack had fun for the most part.  

Nature walk on Friday afternoon.

Starting Saturday with a hearty breakfast (and unlimited hot chocolate).

Jack and Panda, ready to hike.

Finally at our destination, the waterfall, which is mostly under/behind Jack.

Lunch on the trail with Jack's new buddy for the weekend, Ben.

Jack needed a little help on the way back at some of the steep spots...

 ...and then just some general help.  He was a trooper, though. 
We were all happy to get back to the lodge.

One example of the animals to see at the nature center.

And a turtle.

- S.