Monday, September 24, 2018


Jack started soccer recently.  Derrick is assistant coach.
Two games in with mixed results.  
The latest critique from Jack is that there's too much running.

Jack at the head of the pack, running towards the goal.

Poorly shot video (by me) of Jack making a goal.

Hopefully this weekend's game will be a little more enjoyable for him.

- S.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

First Grade

Jack has completed his first full week of first grade and lived to tell the (very limited) tale.  

Necessary first day in front of the sign photo.

Jack was excited to learn a week before school starting that his buddy 
Salvi would be returning for first grade.  

Found his hook and cubby.

Right into building things.

 Here is a summary of what will be covered in class this year.  
They are studying Massachusetts, so some historical field trips are on the schedule.

For one of Jack's first homework assignments, he brought home the class mascot, 
Nutmeg, for the weekend.  The assignment was to document what Nutmeg did over 
the weekend by pictures or drawings and by writing a few sentences in Nutmeg's travel journal.  
We took Nutmeg on a hike to Lynn Woods.

Eight days in and there has been drama over friendships, frustration over his one homework assignment, and excitement about some class activities.  Jack's teacher seems great and provides us with a weekly summary of what happened in class which is quite helpful as it is an effort to get much information out of Jack about his day.  Here's hoping for a fun year with lots of learning.

- S.

Friday, September 7, 2018


Jack turned six last weekend.  He was pretty excited for his birthday this year, but didn't do a calendar countdown like last year.  Now he can stop telling people he is "five and three quarters."  We had a small family gathering at the house to celebrate.  This year Jack wanted a Lego disco party and we did our best to oblige.

We gave him some presents to start off the day.

Jack lost tooth #3 while eating pizza for lunch.

Blowing out candles.  Jack made a "6" cake topper for his cake out of Lego.

He got some pretty great presents, including this special one from his cousin Laura.

Family portrait with Lego glasses under the disco ball.

Jack started first grade this week!  Pictures to come.

- S.