Friday, July 15, 2022

January 2022

 Now that it is the middle of summer, how about catching up with some snowy winter pictures?

First significant snow at the start of the month.

My dicey snow fort wall.  Not much protection from incoming snowballs.

Jack started ski lessons at Ward Hill out in Shrewsbury.

Impromptu "band" practice with his buddy.

Jack had his annual checkup.  Here he is pointing to the "no phones" sign.
At this point Jack was clocking in around 4' 11"but has had a couple of spurts since then.  

First library card!  Would have happened much sooner if not for Covid.

Much more significant snow towards the end of the month.

Enough to tunnel!

Extravagant hot chocolate after playing in the snow.

Stay tuned for more monthly updates including trips to Florida, Washington D.C., and Maine.

- S.