Sunday, May 31, 2020

Bike Rider

Last weekend Jack became an independent bike rider.  In typical Jack fashion, it was to the point where we wondered if he would ever learn to ride, and then after minimal practice, he just took off. 

The next day Jack was eager to go out and practice again, where he quickly learned how to start pedaling on his own from a stop.  Here is another video and a post-ride interview.

We are very proud of him and glad that now we can go on family bike rides.

- S.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Pandemic - Month Two

I think we are going on about two months of being at home at this point.  Schools throughout the state have been canceled through June.  No word on when Derrick or I will be returning to an office for work, but likely not anytime soon.  Here is a bit more of what has happened since we've all been home.

Easter happened.  There were treats.

And an in-house egg hunt.

And also an actual net for street hockey appeared.

Jack has been learning about the water cycle in science, so there have been lots of
experiments happening.

We've also discovered that Jack is good at digging holes, so we took advantage
of this and planted a few arborvitaes.  

 Jack wanted to go food shopping with me one day.  
After having to wait in line outside for a while, 
he probably won't make that mistake again.

Jack has been taking apart old computers with Nana for fun.
I showed him how to use the wire stripper and he was pretty impressed.

I'll be back at some point with another exciting quarantine update!

- S.