Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Touch A Truck

Recently we brought Jack to Touch A Truck at Beverly High School.  It was much bigger than I had anticipated with all sorts of trucks, construction equipment and emergency vehicles.  It took Jack a little while to survey the whole situation and get comfortable, but he seemed to have fun.  

- S.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Panda and the Neighbors

Now that it is finally kind of warm out, Jack wants to be outside a lot, which is great.
Here he is taking Panda for a ride on his tricycle, which he has no interest in riding quite yet.

Hanging out with the neighbors under the weeping something-or-other tree.

- S.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Jack inspecting the newest Bagel World location on Route One.  Approved.

For Mother's Day, my request was to go to Putnam Pantry.  
Here is Jack eating his first ice cream cone.  
It took him a little while to get the hang of it, but he managed just fine.

I know these photos are repeats for a lot of you, but more posts will follow shortly.

- S.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Raker Extraordinaire

One day it will probably be a struggle to get him out of bed on a weekend morning, 
never mind then go outside and help us clean up the yard.
Enjoying this while it lasts.

- S.