Monday, July 28, 2014


This past weekend Jack got to touch a fire truck…


 …and walk in the woods and collect sticks (and rocks, and pinecones, and acorns, and leaves).

"Big tree!"

Lastly, Jack's best sentence from the weekend - "I see you, kitty!" while trying to get to the cat who was hiding under the table.

- S.

Monday, July 21, 2014


We went up to Maine for the weekend recently for the annual family weekend.  Jack got to spend some time with his cousins building giant block towers, reading, and learning to say "butterfly."

Posts have been lacking lately as I am unable to take photos with my phone since it is chock full of photos and videos of this little dude.  An easy solution would be to download the phone photos onto my computer, but the computer is full too…
So, until I have time to sort this out, Derrick has been nice enough to provide some of his photos and videos of Jack for your viewing pleasure.

- S. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Jack loves the hose.  
When we go on walks, he points out all the hoses in everyone else's yards and yells "hose!"  
Since it has been so unpleasantly hot and humid the past few days, Derrick hooked up a small sprinkler in the backyard.  Jack was thrilled, and did a good job of watering the lawn too.

This picture will be saved for special occasions during Jack's teen years.

- S.