Friday, May 22, 2015

Touch a Truck

The annual Touch a Truck at Beverly High School was last weekend.  Jack dove right in this year and checked out pretty much every vehicle that was there.  And there were a lot.  
Here is a small sampling of the fun that was had.  

Backhoe operator

Ready to mow.

All he needs is a big Dunkin' Donuts cup and he'd be ready to work for the town of Beverly.

Heave, ho!

 Worth the climb.

- S.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


We were able to get all the mulch done in the yard yesterday with the help of this fine fellow.
We also planted some window boxes and hope to get some tomatoes going soon.

- S.

Monday, May 11, 2015


We got Jack a sandbox last weekend.
He is pretty thrilled and I anticipate spending a lot of time outside.
Not complaining.

- S.