Saturday, December 17, 2016

November Photo Dump

I'm behind on posting, so here is a bunch of stuff from November.

The leaf pile occupied a couple of weekends. 
(Photo by Derrick)

Video of jumping technique.

We went to Lynn Woods to collect some leaves.

Then we made some leaf people.

Jack also went on a field trip to the Museum of Science and I was a chaperone.
Here is Jack in space.

And here he is learning about fossils with his teacher Julie.

We tried out the Lynn library for the first time.  It was terrible.  No toys, not even a rug to sit on.
We agreed we will not return.

Watching cartoons with great-nana on Thanksgiving.

Jack decorated his playroom for Christmas.

Jack attended his first play, Charlie Brown Christmas.  
He said he enjoyed it, but his favorite Christmas story this year is The Grinch.

- S. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Here are too many pictures from Halloween.  Jack requested a dinosaur costume months prior so I had plenty of time to find something.  He was pretty excited for Halloween this year and was disappointed that it did not extend over multiple days.  


Ready to go.

Candy exchange.

Ring the bell.

Checking out the haul.

 Handing out candy at home.

- S.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Jack requested that we go to a pumpkin patch this year to buy our pumpkins as opposed to the local farm stand.  So we went to Connor's farm and got a few pumpkins, played on the hay bales, and got a cider donut, of course.  

Jack thought it would be fun to use his pumpkin as a seat, which lead to it getting squishy on the bottom, so we decided against carving it and this was the result.

 Jack and Derrick did manage to make two mini jack-o-lanterns.

- S.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Wakefield Library

Jack and I checked out a new (to us) library recently in case we need to add another to our repertoire with the upcoming chilly weather.  We visited the Wakefield library.  It is a really nice, old building.  The children's room is pretty large and they have a giant train table which Jack enjoyed.  They also have big comfy chairs which Jack tried out.  It was probably the messiest children's area in a library I've ever seen (books strewn all over the floor) and there isn't too much more to play with than the giant train table.  So, I'm not sure this library will make the cut.  

- S.

Monday, October 24, 2016


The fair has come and gone for the year.  The weather was kind of a bummer on the days we could all make it as a family, so we ended up dividing and I went over with Jack and Nana on Tuesday, my day off.  Jack and Dad went over with Nana on Columbus Day while I was at work.  It rained on parade day as well, but we all still went to Great-Nana's.

Jack showing off his whoopie pie he got from the parade.

Eating some delicious fried dough at great-nana's.

By some fluke, I got the shark in the bucket while showing Jack how to play.
Now we have a giant shark at home.

Jack mastered this game on his own and now we have a horn/noisemaker at home.

Riding the train.

 Didn't get to ride in the panda, but still happy.

 Conquering the dragon coaster after a bad experience last year.

 Ice cream break.

Learning about bees.


- S.

Friday, October 21, 2016


We did a speedy cider donut/apple picking trip a few weeks ago, just to say we did.  It was a nice morning and the apples have since been eaten or made into applesauce and frozen.

- S.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Touch A Truck 2016

We missed the annual Touch A Truck in Beverly due to Jack choosing to go to a classmate's birthday party instead.  But Danvers came through last month with their own Touch A Truck, so we checked it out.  Jack was pretty overwhelmed when we first got there, but changed his mind and decided to stay at the last minute.

There was even a boat.

"10-4 good buddy."

Pretty excited about his squishy bulldozer and balloon.

- S.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


We started talking about converting the back porch into a playroom probably about...four years ago.  Maybe serious conversations started three years ago.  Well, we finished painting yesterday and wasted no time moving some of Jack's stuff into the space.  

Painting, again.

All done!

 Nice and clean.

Step One: Break in the playroom.

 Step Two: Have a friend come by and help you break the room in further.

Step Three: Impress the adults with your methods.

It's nice to have the hard part of this room completed, just in time for cold weather, so now we'll find out how well the insulation works.  Now we get to do things like put up blinds, add some lighting, and come up with a better configuration of Jack's stuff.

- S.