Sunday, April 15, 2018


We have been to the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary for a handful of events at this point, but have never taken advantage of the hiking trails there.  Saturday morning we did just that since the forecast for the rest of the weekend was pretty dismal.  There were some nice surprises and we will definitely be back.

Starting out.  All sticks are lightsabers or guns.

We climbed to the top of the observation tower,

discovered a makeshift shelter,

and checked out the rock grotto.

Jack and dad took the hard way to the top.  I took the stairs.

- S.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


I neglected to post anything about Easter.  We had a nice, quiet day at home which included lots of Lego and some candy for breakfast.

Jack at the Y with an only moderately creepy bunny.

Coloring eggs.

The basket.  The large plastic eggs contain Lego pieces.

 Derrick and I hid some eggs around the living room for Jack.
Here is Mr. Pickle getting tossed aside to find a plastic egg, also filled with Lego pieces.

 A few of the hidden eggs had candy in them, much to Jack's delight.

- S.