Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tourist Times

First walk on the Freedom Trail.

On Veteran's Day I had to attend a work training, so Derrick took the day off and he and Jack had a big city adventure.  Jack really enjoyed learning all about the Mayflower in school, so to continue on the historic ship theme, Derrick and Jack went to see the USS Constitution and museum.  It seemed fun was had by both parties and now the door has opened to visit other historic sites.  

- S.

Sunday, November 11, 2018



Soccer ended last Sunday.  Jack was so excited, he scored three goals. 
Jack made it clear he does not like playing soccer and we should not try to trick him (!) into playing in the future.  He was open to thinking about another activity he might want to try, but we'll wait until after the holidays to venture into something else.

- S.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Jack o lantern prep

Carving.  Serious business.
We were pretty lax with the photos and didn't get one of the finished products,
and now they are moldy and wrinkled, but they were delightful on Halloween.

Jack was a Siamese cat.

 Candy dump

Candy sort.

It was nice weather on Halloween again this year and Jack had more stamina than past years so we went beyond the typical trick or treat route.  Jack was excited to acquire 97 items in his treat bag.

- S.