In early August, we went down to Wildwood, NJ with Derrick's family. Jack was last there when he was 10 months old. It was a very different experience this time around. Here is an overview of some things Jack did.
Climbing the beachballs in front of the big sign.
We rented bikes for the week. This was Jack's choice.
Some of the mornings we took rides up and down the boardwalk,
Jack and Derrick got to ride in the back of a monster truck.
Riding the tram car.
We spent plenty of time on the boardwalk.
Jack showing off what he won with arcade tickets.
Note another panda win, this one with boba tea.
Jack discovered rides in Wildwood.
I have already purchased advance ride tickets for the Fair in anticipation.
"Jazz cars" were one of his favorites.
Pretending to pour and drink tea in the teacups.

Riding above the pier in a pirate ship.
We also went to the Wildwood Aviation Museum, which was interesting.
There was a little bit of space stuff too.
Jack had a good time.
We also took Jack kayaking for the first time, which he did pretty well at.
(Photo taken through a plastic bag.)
- S.