Saturday, January 12, 2019


We kept things pretty low-key after Christmas and enjoyed some quiet times at home.  On one warm-ish afternoon we headed over to Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary and explored the trails.  

Jack made a gnome home,

 fed some chickadees out of his hand,

and cracked some ice on the pond.

On New Year's Eve, we made an early reservation at Fugakyu and then attended the block party at Marketstreet Lynnfield where they had a DJ and did a "countdown" at 7:00pm, which is just our speed. 

Jack's first time at a Japanese restaurant.  He loved it.

 At the countdown, just having witnessed the "largest confetti burst in the area."
(You can still see some floating around above us.)

Now we are almost settled back into the work and school routine and thinking about plans for 2019.  

- S.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Christmas is done and all of the decorations are put away.  Jack had almost two weeks off from school and had a lot of family time and watched a lot of movies. 

The annual placing the star on the tree.  

We went to an event at the library hosted by the Saugus Garden Club.
Jack learned all about poinsettias and got to make his own flower arrangement. 
(Salvi photobomb behind Jack.)

Jack and dad made some cookies.

Christmas morning sprint.

In the midst.

 Helping the cat open her presents.

 Sheer joy.  

- S.