Tuesday, February 26, 2019


A few weeks ago it was International Week at school.  Jack's class studied Ireland.

Here is Jack inside Dublin Castle,

and putting a kiss on the Blarney Stone.

This was Jack's "research project" which he wrote 
and was excited about getting to make a map key.

Jack also made this "Welcome to Ireland" sign,
so here he is showing off the sign and his fake smile.

- S.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

January Round Up

Though this winter has been pretty reasonable in terms of snow, we have had some pretty cold days, so we have been laying low, inside, where it is warm.  
What are some fun things to do while hibernating?

Invite a friend over for a lightsaber battle!

Science experiments!

Make some sparkly slime!

And venture outside just long enough to make a tiny snowman.

- S.