Sunday, October 27, 2013


Jack walks with assistance from his cart, with a small pause for some frustration and then some giggles.

- S.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lynn Woods

Since it is no longer bike riding weather, we've headed to Lynn Woods the past two weekends.  Jack really loves the backpack and being outside, so it has been a lot of fun.

First time in the backpack.  All smiles.

And the backpack makes it easy to touch leaves.

And needles.

Round II the following weekend.  Still lots of smiles.

I gave him a pinecone early on in the hike which he held onto even when we got back in the car.
I'm not sure if he really liked it or if there was enough pitch on it to make it stick to his hand, 
but obviously he's taking it very seriously.

- S.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Topsfield Fair

The Topsfield Fair has come and gone.  This year was more successful than last in terms of Jack's participation and level of enjoyment.
(Looking back now, it was kind of crazy of us to bring a one month old to the Fair, but live and learn.)

As Derrick said, I think Jack's favorite part of the Fair was finding this stick on the ground.

Derrick couldn't resist, but alas, he came away empty handed.

Fair food overview.

First place pumpkin.

We did get better photos of us, but this one makes me laugh 
and really kind of sums up what life is like with a toddler right now.

- S.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013


"I need that report on my desk by 3pm.  No excuses."

- S.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Somehow scribbling on paper quickly turned into...

...scribbling on the oven.

The masterpiece.

Did you know they make washable crayons now?  Good thing I bought those.

- S.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


So, Jack does this thing now where he piles some of his food on top of his cup and ever so carefully brings the cup to his mouth, then eats the food off the cup and takes a drink.

I don't know what this is all about, but it is interesting to watch.

- S.