Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lynn Woods

Since it is no longer bike riding weather, we've headed to Lynn Woods the past two weekends.  Jack really loves the backpack and being outside, so it has been a lot of fun.

First time in the backpack.  All smiles.

And the backpack makes it easy to touch leaves.

And needles.

Round II the following weekend.  Still lots of smiles.

I gave him a pinecone early on in the hike which he held onto even when we got back in the car.
I'm not sure if he really liked it or if there was enough pitch on it to make it stick to his hand, 
but obviously he's taking it very seriously.

- S.

1 comment:

  1. There is so much to see in the woods, plenty of things to explore.

    Auntie Bev
