Monday, August 21, 2017


Jack and I went blueberry picking a couple of Saturdays ago.  It was a nice cloudy day with a threat of rain so there were only a few other people at the farm.  Jack turned out to be good at picking ripe blueberries, so the bucket filled up quickly, minus a few free samples.
Derrick and Jack did a great job of eating the blueberries so, "What are we going to do with all these blueberries?" quickly became, "Wait, there aren't any blueberries left?"

- S.


  1. One of Elijah's favorite books is Blueberries for Sal, so he loved seeing these photos! Just like the book, minus the bears of course. Now he wants to go blueberry picking.

    1. I'm embarrassed to say we've never read Blueberries for Sal, but of course we own Make Way for Ducklings.
