Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Year So Far

This year has been pretty stinky so far.  It has been rife with things such as stopped up sewer pipes, various illnesses, a broken furnace, snowstorms and extreme cold, and the piece de resistance was having to make the decision to put Pewter to sleep.  So, it has been a pretty tough month.  Jack is managing okay and already has plans for a new kitty (see below), but I think we'll be taking a break from pets for a while.

Jack and Pewter in the playroom the morning of the day we took her to the hospital.

Jack brought this picture home from school last week.  Apparently that is me and this is what our new cat will look like.  Please note the new cat is wearing a jet pack, so if anyone knows where to get cat-sized jet packs, let me know.  Or a purple and orange cat with green ears, for that matter.

So, we are trying to regroup and decided to take on a project we've been talking about for a long time, removing the last of the paneling in the house.  Jack was a big help and was pretty good at removing trim with a crowbar.  Maybe next we will see how good he is at scraping the wallpaper which is under the paneling.

Here's hoping things improve going forward and there will be a lot of good things to post!

- S.


  1. So sorry to hear about Pewter. That's a tough one. We will keep an eye out for a purple and orange cat with green ears for you. Also I must have missed the earlier post about the Lego millenium guys would be SO jealous if they knew. You are a good mom! I didn't know you could actually find deals for them on ebay, every time I look they're all about the same price. Well, I hope things turn around and that the right pet finds you when you're ready.


    1. Thanks for keeping an eye out! Pewter was 16, so while we knew her remaining days were dwindling, this was sudden and is definitely a tough one. I got the millenium falcon for $40-something and went back on ebay after Christmas and realized this was some sort of fluke/good luck to get it for that price. I usually search "Lego used complete set" (sometimes specify Star Wars depending) and once in a while it seems like someone trying to get rid of their kid's old sets will let them go for decent money. I'll let you know if I see any good deals!

    2. Definitely, that is amazing! Seems like the used Star Wars sets are only $50 cheaper than new, which is not much of a bargain! We've been trying to convince the boys that this would be fun: And actually it did inspire them to do other things with the gajillion bricks they already have...

    3. That psychedelic millenium falcon is pretty cool looking! I will have to show that to Derrick and Jack for sure.

  2. Sorry to hear about your kitty Pewter, you need some positive and good energy sent your way. Jack is really talented for being so young! He is a good worker, keep it up Jack!

    Auntie Bev
